“In the city of Amsterdam, You can find a lot of fun!”

5-7. oktobar 2015.

Prošle godine smo sa našim vernim partnerima, kupcima i vendorima, obišli grad koji predstavlja simbol istoka – Istanbul.

Ove godine smo izabrali da nagrada za uloženi trud i ispunjenje targeta naših kupaca bude zapad Evrope.

Grad Amsterdam…po mnogo čemu poznat, posećen iz najrazličitijih razloga, ali pre svega grad slobode, zabave, različitosti.

Mi smo pokušali da se držimo agende, ali u takvom gradu je to skoro neizvodljivo.

Toliko stvari i atrakcija koje privuku pažnju toliko da vam promene trasu u sekundi, taj lagodan odnos Amsterdamaca prema svemu, pa i poslu nekako vam otežava da se držite vremenski definisanih aktivnosti, radno vreme svedeno na minimum, hrpa biciklista na ulicama koji ne staju čak ni kada vide nas tuđince kao prepreku na putu. Ne, oni su krenuli ka cilju i ne staju, ne opominju ni zvonjavom.

Ali mi smo rešili da upoznamo Amsterdam u pravom svetlu. Našli se licem u lice sa delovima grada koji su po svojoj strukturi prilično slični, ali po karakteru itekako različiti. Muzejska četvrt, Red light district, Pijaca na otvorenom, Jordan…

Prošli smo kroz jedno divno iskustvo – Heineken iskustvo po svemu jedinstveno, doživeli Amsterdam iz nekog drugog ugla, krstareći njegovim kanalima…

Amsterdam je neki drugačiji svet, orjentisan na turiste ali podređen itekako ljudima koji tamo žive.

A sledeće godine, gde putujemo? Na koji grad na mapi stavljamo novu čiodicu?

Pogledajte deo atmosfere….

“In the city of Amsterdam, You can find a lot of fun!”

October 5-7th, 2015

Last year, with our loyal partners – customers and vendors, we have visited the city which is a symbol of East Europe – Istanbul.

This year we chose that the reward for the hard work and the fulfillment of targets of our customers would be West Europe.

Amsterdam city … known in many ways, visited for a variety of reasons, but primarily the city of freedom, fun and diversity.

We tried to be within the scope of the agenda, but in the city like this it’s almost impossible.

So many things that attract the attention and change your route in seconds, that easygoing attitude of Citizens to everything, and also towards the work, somehow make it difficult to hold up to the time-bound activities, working time is reduced to a minimum, a bunch of bicyclists in the streets who don’t stop even when they see us, strangers, as a roadblock. No, they moved toward to goal and didn’t stop, without warning by the bell.

But we decided to meet the true colors of Amsterdam. We met face to face with parts of the city that are structurally quite similar, but very different in character. Museum Quarter, Red light district, open-air markets, Jordaan…

We have a great experience – Heineken experience at all unique, experienced the Amsterdam from a different angle, sailing on its channels…

Amsterdam is a different world, oriented to tourists, but very subservient to the people who live there.

And next year, where we travel? What city on the map will we pin?

Amsterdam experience gallery…