Atom partner i kompanija Xerox održali su 07. i 08. Februara dilerski skup u Vrdniku. Na ovom skupu, Xerox je predstavio svoju veoma bogatu paletu proizvoda u kojoj se mogu naći proizvodi koji će zadovoljiti apsolutno svaku potrebu korisnika.

Prvog dana skupa vendori su predstavili brand i štampače iz HVD programa. Takođe je predstavljen Xerox partnerski program radi širenja Xerox partnerske mreže za koju su partneri bili naročito zainteresovani. Nakon radnog dela prvog dana skupa usledilo je opuštanje u SPA centru , hotela Premier Aqua, kao i zajednička večera uz AS bend.

Drugog dana skupa predstavljeni su GMO uređaji kao i Xerox servis.

Atom partner i Xerox skup

Hotel „Premier Aqua“ – Vrdnik
07. i 08. februar 2013.

Atom partner and company Xerox have held the Dealers event in Vrdnik on 7th and 8th of February. On this event Xerox has introduced us to their wide range of products in which you will find products that satisfy every need of our customers. On the first day of the event vendors have presented the brand Xerox and the machines from HVD program. Also, Xerox partners program was presented for which our partners have been really interested, and all in purpose of expanding the Xerox partners net. The working part of the first day was followed by relaxation in SPA centre of the Hotel Premier Aqua, as well as the dinner with entertainment of AS band.

On the second conference day GMO machines and Xerox service were introduced to partners.

Take a look a part of the Event atmosphere below.

Atom partner and Xerox event

Hotel “Premier Aqua” – Vrdnik
07. – 08. February 2013.