Mala stanica“ restoran, 10.2.2017.

Naša početna tačka susreta na putu koji regionalno trasiramo bilo je Skoplje, tačno pre godinu dana.

Povod je bio status Regionalnog distributera koji smo zbog odgovornog poslovanja i uspešne saradnje dobili od kompanije Xerox.

Dalje trasiranje išlo je preko Sarajeva i Podgorice. Na taj način organizovali smo direktniji kontakt sa našim kupcima u regionu, dali im potrebne informacije o načinu poslovanja i kroz druženje stekli čvršći poslovniji odnos.

Sada, nakon nekoliko meseci od otvaranja i poslovanja logističkog centra Atom Distribution BH – Laktaši, odlučili smo da okupimo naše najlojalnije kupce iz Banja Luke i okoline na ukusnom branču.

Ovo je bila prilika da im što više približimo benefite koje imaju od otvaranja našeg logističkog centra, kao i da im se zahvalimo na dosadašnjem uspešnom poslovanju.

Sam događaj je organizovan u kultnom mestu u Banja Luci, restoranu „Mala stanica“, gde je kroz prezentaciju koju smo pripremili, informacije koje smo podelili i networking, postavljen određen standard viđanja i proslave uspeha.

Verujemo da će ih još mnogo biti na našem putu koji regionalno trasiramo.

Fotografije sa događaja su niže istaknute:

Mala stanica” restaurant, 10.2.2017.
Our starting point of the meeting on the road we are tracing regionally was Skopje, exactly a year ago.

The reason was the status of a Regional Distributor, which we received from Xerox due to responsible business and successful cooperation.

Further tracing went through Sarajevo and Podgorica. In that way, we organized more direct contact with our customers in the region, gave them the necessary information about the way of doing business, and gained a stronger business relationship through socializing.

Now, a few months after the opening and operation of the logistics center Atom Distribution BH – Laktasi, we decided to gather our most loyal customers from Banja Luka and the surrounding area for a delicious brunch.

This was an opportunity to bring them as close as possible to the benefits they have from opening our logistics center, as well as to thank them for their successful business so far.

The event itself was organized in a cult place in Banja Luka, the restaurant “Mala stanica”, where through the presentation we prepared, the information we shared, and the networking, a certain standard of seeing and celebrating success was set.

We believe that there will be many more on our path that we are tracing regionally.

Photos from the event are highlighted below: